Thursday, 5 February 2009

Taken (2008)

[Movie 58 / Day 36]

Liam Neeson stars as the ex-Government agent whose daughter is kidnapped whilst holidaying in Paris. The rest of the film is spent following him as he tracks down those responsible, dispenses some retribution and finds his daughter.

I wasn't really expecting to like this that much. I've never been a fan of Liam Neeson, to me he's either really good or really bad, nothing in between - and I couldn't really see him in a bad ass actioner.

I was totally wrong. This is one of the most enjoyable films I've seen this year. There are a few bits I didn't like about it (the Bourne-esque fight scenes, where everything is handheld and shaky. It does my head in. Just stop it now.) but overall, it's a really good popcorn actioner. Filmed in quite a gritty, almost washed out style, it looks pretty good and whilst the outcome is always a foregone conclusion, there is still some tension to be had - and at only 90 mins, 30 of which are spent on the setup, it moves along at a cracking pace.

I loved it - so much that I might watch it again tomorrow night and make it the first repeated film of the year!

My rating: 8.3 / 10
IMDB rating: 8.0 / 10
Running time: 93 mins
IMDB link

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